Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hallic's Lineage



The Predator is my first reference when I thought of my character. In appearance, Hallic looks a lot like the predator without so much armour. Hallic’s body size should be the same as the Predator, which is a few heads taller than an average human. The tentacles Hallic has on the back of this head looks like the predator’s headdress but reacts to his anger. Personality-wise, like Hallic, the predator is also calm and agile but violent and strong. Hallic however, is much more socialable, respectable and bonded with his people

The Elites

The Elite from the Halo series is is another reference which I thought of. The Elites are loyal to their leaders. They are also civilised to a certain extent and are respected by others. The Elites are natural leaders and are quick and agile when in combat. The Elites and Hallic are more similar personality-wise. Hallic is still however, more composed and much more protective. He tries to protect his people instead of sending them out to die. Hallic’s appearance differs from the Elites, being more native and tribal-like.

 A third reference is a anime character called Jugo. When out of battle, he is usually quiet and kind. He speaks carefully and shyly and is even talks to animals. However, when in battle, his personality and appearances changes drastically. He turns into a powerful and reckless beast while his personalilty turns erratic and arrogant.  Hallic’s personality too, changes when in battle. Hallic however does not turn arrogant and reckless. Instead, he becames more intimitating and tactful. He only turns berserk when a major event occurs and Hallic becomes extremely strong but reckless, much like Jugo.
My last reference is from Avatar. The native species of the island Pandora are the Na’vi. They are a humanoid species which is similar to Hallic and the swamps. The Na’vi can move through the forest with extreme speed and flexibility and are too, protective of their people. Like the Aquaborns invading the swamp, the Na’vi were attacked by the humans. Unlike the Na’vi, the Sellions are still technologically-advanced, although not as advanced as the Aquaborns. And different from the Na’vi, Hallic and the entire Sellion species are more brutal and aggressive when it comes to dealing with their enemies.

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