Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 3: Eleven Rig

Posing For this exercise, we are given a new rig to play with. The rig controls for this rig is different from the Spiderman rig, especially for the controls of the joints. After we recieved this rig, we were given 3 pictures of poses to pose our rig to. Here we goooo!!!!!

Pose 1

This pose is one of the more difficult poses to pose as yet again, the rig does not consider collisions and the muscles in this sitting pose are pressed againest each other, something the rig is unable to do. For this pose, the spine is curved forward as the lady is resting her hands on her thighs. I have rig the fingers and I find them quite "well-rigged". The sole of the feets are pointing outwards and I have rigged them such that they do not go through the thighs.

Pose 2
This pose is the pose of Yoona from Girl's Generation. She has placed both her closed hands on the sides of her hips and is leaning to one side. I have rotated the entire hip to a direction to show that she is leaning on one side.

In the picture we were given, Yoona was smiling with her teeths slightly opened and her eyes were "squeezed" smaller.

From the back 3/4 view, it is visible that I have added the breast to show that she is a SHE. We can also see that the hands are closed entirely and that by rotating the hip, the butt is perked up on one side.

Pose 3?
And finally for the last pose, I was unclear if we were supposed to pose the women of the boy. Hence, I posed both. Haha. Firstly, the boy pose which I was supposed to pose. The picture hid half of his body from view and for that half, I had to guess the posture for it. For this pose, the boy has a forward momentum and hence has a forward-leaning spine. The knees are pointing forwards and the sole of the right feet is pependicular to the floor. The hands are actively bouncing the ball and hence are bent inwards with the palms facing downwards.

From the other view, we can see that he is moving towards us but facing another direction. And the right arm is hopefully positioned correctly. =D

The woman which I was not supposed to pose, was quite difficult in my opinion. Her lower spine in bent forward while her upper spine is straight up. Her legs are wide open and her eyes are focussed on the ball which is positioned lowly.

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