Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First-checkpoint for Assignment

The tray I am modeling will be part of the track itself. The race car will hit the "wall" of the tray at the correct angle with sufficient speed to follow the flow and continue forward. For those race cars who stray off track, they will fall into the pit at the middle of the tray, inevitably.
There are only about two primitive shapes I will be using and that would be the cylinder and the cone. Aside from that, the rest of my object will be created by using the "Revolve" tool. I will be using the "Extrude" function to extrude the food seperator at the base and the wall, which diverts the race car direction. For the extra details, I may be creating a pattern on top of the cover by creating the curve using the CV Curve tool, and "Difference" out the pattern on the cover.
Click to expand picture

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